Xplori.world: Global SIM for Every Journey

Travel Unrestrained, Surprisingly Affordable 

About Xplori

Xplori World is the perfect global SIM solution for avid explorers who seek seamless connectivity and cost-saving options while traveling to any country worldwide. We offer a variety of data plans, phone calls, and text messages at local rates in over 100 countries, providing convenience and affordability for travelers across the globe.

More about us: https://xplori.world/pages/about‍

GB of data consumed

Happy customers

People using Xplori every day

Countries served

Our service

Global Package

  • Coverage in Over 150 Countries 
  • Valid for 365 Days 
  • Usage-based Discounts and Data Usage by Country 
  • Ideal for Regular Travelers with Long-Term Usage & Low Data Needs 

More at: https://xplori.world/products/flexible-credits

Regional Package

  • Available in 7-120 Countries 
  • Validity Ranges from 3-365 Days 
  • Fixed Data Allocation Across Multiple Countries 
  • Ideal for Travelers with Moderate Data Needs who Frequent Multiple Destinations 

More at: https://xplori.world/pages/rates-coverage

National Package

  • 1 Country Coverage 
  • Validity from 1-30 Days 
  • Highest Data Allocation 
  • Some products include local phone numbers and calls 
  • Ideal for individuals requiring high data volumes within a specific time frame and location

More at: https://xplori.world/country

Get your Xplori.world SIM now to save on roaming costs


Main Office

Address: 38 Lok Ku Road, Hong Kong
